Monday, June 8, 2009

The Award for the Most Efficient City Goes To...

June 8,09

Although San Francisco has the highest recycling rate in the country, it is still trying to reach it's goal of diverting 75 of its waste from landfills. To do so, a new mandatory recycling and composting law was proposed. The law would require residential and commercial building owners to sign up for recycling and composting services or be fined 500 dollars. An additional fine would be given to those who put recyclable or compostable waste in regular trash bins.
Although the new law would increase the amount of waste that will be recycled or composted, it will require authorities to make sure people are following the law. However, if successful, San Francisco would have a 90 percent recycling and composting rate, which would be very beneficial to the environment. I think more cities should have a law requiring recycling too.

1 comment:

  1. ahhh...I love SF...but diverting the trash? come on now...
