Monday, June 8, 2009

Benevolent Beavers?

June 8,09

In Massachusetts, people are unhappy with the beavers who are causing their town to flood. the dams the beaver builds clog culverts and causes septic tanks to overflow. Although residents are breaking them down, the beavers are rebuilding the dams quickly. Although some people want to remove the beavers, doing so might disrupt the ecosystem and cause an abundance of black bears, moose, and turkeys. A large amount of money is needed to fix the problems the beavers are causing.
Although the beavers are causing a lot of troubles for the residents of Massachusetts, I do not think there is much that can be done that will not upset the ecosystem's natural balance. The beavers are just trying to live and I don't think they intend to cause flooding. I think engineers can figure out some way to lower the water levels.

1 comment:

  1. ha ha...this was a great write-up...I remember people complaining about this in my local area (yay Sussex Co.)...
