Monday, June 8, 2009

Less Ice Leaving the Artic!

September 17, 2008

The ice cloking the Artic Ocean have retreated less than it did last summer. Despite the decrease, the icea was still 33% below the average and the trend continues to forming an ice-free Artic Ocean in a few decades. Global watming contributes to the ice retreats in addition to the natural variations of Artic winds and cloud cover. Polar bears, who under the Endangered Species Act are affected by the ice retreat. It is hard to see the summer ice returning and in the long run, more open water may occur despite the decreased recession.

It is good news that less ice is retreating in the Artic. Although there isn't a complete stop to the retreat, the slow down would help the animals there survive. Scientists should research reasons why the retreat has declined and figure ways to help the environment. I hope the polar bears and all the other animals are also celebrating the good news! =)

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